Invisalign Munich
Invisalign – The Invisible Braces
You want to have beautiful, even teeth? Perhaps a crooked tooth or gap is bothering you? But you want to avoid a conventional set of metal braces or wiring in favour of a more discreet solution?
With Invisalign, we offer a highly aesthetic solution to positional problems and missing teeth, comfortably and unobtrusively.
Invisalign gently shifts the teeth using removable orthodontic braces. The braces are virtually invisible thanks to being made out of see-through material, and represent an ideal dental correction solution, especially for adults and patients with high aesthetic demands. In addition, the treatment can be carried out in only a few practice appointments.
Invisalign Aligner Munich
Invisalign FAQ
After compiling the necessary pre-treatment records in our practice (models of upper and lower jaw – x-ray images – photos), you will receive a 3D animation of the movement of your teeth, as well as information on the duration and aims of the treatment, so that you can already get an idea of the final result, before the process begins.
If you decide to go ahead with the treatment after the simulation phase, the invisible braces (aligners) are custom made for you. These are designed to be used in succession, so you’ll get a new aligner every week: the process allows gentle, virtually unnoticeable movements of the teeth in only a few months. Week by week the teeth are slowly moved into the final planned position. The aligner must be worn for 22 hours each day, and only taken out for eating and sleeping. Sometimes it is necessary to slightly reduce individual contact points with teeth or apply discreet tooth-coloured attachments temporarily to the teeth in order to achieve a leverage effect. In this way, tooth movement results are brought about that are not possible with other types of removable orthodontic brace.
There can be a slight feeling of tension or pressure during the treatment. This pressure is completely normal, is relieved after a few days, and shows that the desired movement of the teeth is taking place.
Depending on the extent of the intended correction, the number of required braces varies – and this means treatment can take anything between 6 and 18 months.
In order to maintain the treatment effects in the long term, it’s necessary to incorporate a set of fixed or removable retainers at the end of the process.
Invisalign allows the cosmetic fine-tuning of your smile, without any restrictions to your daily life. The treatment can either lead to a cosmetic final result on its own, or else serve as a preparation for further treatment forms such as veneers, crowns or implants, by achieving an ideal position of the teeth in advance.
- Predictable results thanks to advance virtual 3D planning
- Custom-made transparent braces worn 22 hours per day
- Weekly replacement of braces to encourage constant but gentle movements of the teeth
- High level of comfort, with no sharp metal rails that can make dental hygiene difficult to maintain
- No restrictions to daily life due to removable and transparent braces
Invisalign Aligner Munich
Invisalign Treatment Results
Invisalign Munich
Invisalign Treatments Before And After
Correction of overlapping anterior teeth and the build-up of abraded incisors
The patient was particularly disturbed by her diverging and overlapping anterior teeth. In addition, she did not like the missing width in the right side of her smile, her prominent upper right canine, and the disharmonic array of the incisal edges of her central incisors
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in her upper and lower jaw were shaped up and harmonized in only 6 months. Finally, a minimally invasive composite reconstruction of the maxillary anterior was performed to restore her anterior canine alignment
Correction of a dental malocclusion and widening of the smile
The patient was mainly disturbed by the diverging and interlocked anterior teeth. In addition, the missing buccal corridor on her right side
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw could be shaped and harmonized in only 4 months
Correction of the tooth position and harmonization of the smile
The patient was disturbed by the disharmonious course of the upper dental arch and the existing severe crowding of both jaws
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw were shaped and harmonized within 6 months. Both tooth position and smile width were idealized, giving the patient a radiant smile
Reconstruction of severely abraded anterior teeth with composite to restore function and to idealized length-width ratios
The patient was disturbed by her short, severely shaved anterior teeth with insufficient fillings
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper jaw and lower jaw were shaped and harmonized within 6 months. This pre-negotiation allowed for the creation of sufficient space for the final reconstruction of the missing tooth structure of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. This was followed by in-office bleaching in our practice to achieve the desired lighter tooth color. After a functional-aesthetic WaxUp was fabricated, purely additive reconstruction was performed by minimally invasive composite abutments of each of the 6 maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. This restoration of the anterior canines is synonymous with maximum protection of the teeth from further abrasion-related damage. The result shows an esthetically harmonious smile with optimal tooth size ratios matching the course of the lips
Correction and harmonization of the smile in combination with replacement of insufficient plastic fillings for the optimization of tooth lengths and widths
The patient was particularly disturbed by the disharmonic course of their upper dental arch and the height difference between the incisal edges of their central incisors
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw were shaped and harmonized in just 6 months. Finally, a minimally invasive composite buildup of the maxillary anterior was performed to restore the anterior canine alignment
Correction and harmonization of the smile in case of extremely long teeth and super visible gums
The patient was particularly disturbed by the disharmonic course of the upper dental arch with rotations, the prominent upper left canine, and the excessively long upper central incisors which disappeared under the lower lip. In addition, too much gum was visible during a smile
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw were shaped and harmonized, and the tooth lengths and smile line were idealized just within 4 months
Korrektur und Harmonisieren des Lächelns in Kombination mit Austausch von insuffizienten Kunststofffüllungen zur Optimierung der Zahnlängen und -breiten
Die Patientin störten vor allem der dysharmonische Verlauf des oberen Zahnbogens, sowie die unterschiedliche Höhe der Schneidekanten der beiden mittleren Schneidezähne
Mit Hilfe von herausnehmbare, transparenten Invisalign-Alignern konnten die Zahnbögen im Oberkiefer und Unterkiefer in nur 6 Monaten ausgeformt und harmonisiert werden. Abschließend erfolgte ein minimalinvasiver Kompositaufbau der Oberkiefer-Front zur Wiederherstellung der Front-Eckzahnführung
Korrektur von Zahnfehlstellung und Zahnfarbe
Die Patientin störten ihr unharmonisches Lächeln bei ungleichen Längenverhältnissen und schiefen Zahnachsen, sowie ihre Zahnfarbe
Es erfolgte eine Aligner-Therapie mit herausnehmbaren, transparenten Invisalign-Schienen. Dabei wurden die Zahnbögen verbreitert und der Engstand aufgelöst, die Zahnlängen und Zahnachsen korrigiert. Abschließend erfolgte ein In-Office Bleaching um das ästhetische Lächeln zu perfektionieren
Korrektur und Harmonisieren des Lächelns in Kombination mit Austausch von insuffizienten Kunststofffüllungen zur Optimierung der Zahnlängen und -breiten
Die Patientin störten vor allem der dysharmonische Verlauf des oberen Zahnbogens, sowie die unterschiedliche Höhe der Schneidekanten der beiden mittleren Schneidezähne
Mit Hilfe von herausnehmbare, transparenten Invisalign-Alignern konnten die Zahnbögen im Oberkiefer und Unterkiefer in nur 6 Monaten ausgeformt und harmonisiert werden. Abschließend erfolgte ein minimalinvasiver Kompositaufbau der Oberkiefer-Front zur Wiederherstellung der Front-Eckzahnführung
Korrektur von Zahnfehlstellung und Zahnfarbe
Die Patientin störten ihr unharmonisches Lächeln bei ungleichen Längenverhältnissen und schiefen Zahnachsen, sowie ihre Zahnfarbe
Es erfolgte eine Aligner-Therapie mit herausnehmbaren, transparenten Invisalign-Schienen. Dabei wurden die Zahnbögen verbreitert und der Engstand aufgelöst, die Zahnlängen und Zahnachsen korrigiert. Abschließend erfolgte ein In-Office Bleaching um das ästhetische Lächeln zu perfektionieren
Korrektur und Harmonisieren des Lächelns in Kombination mit Austausch von insuffizienten Kunststofffüllungen zur Optimierung der Zahnlängen und -breiten
Die Patientin störten vor allem der dysharmonische Verlauf des oberen Zahnbogens, sowie die unterschiedliche Höhe der Schneidekanten der beiden mittleren Schneidezähne
Mit Hilfe von herausnehmbare, transparenten Invisalign-Alignern konnten die Zahnbögen im Oberkiefer und Unterkiefer in nur 6 Monaten ausgeformt und harmonisiert werden. Abschließend erfolgte ein minimalinvasiver Kompositaufbau der Oberkiefer-Front zur Wiederherstellung der Front-Eckzahnführung
Korrektur von Zahnfehlstellung und Zahnfarbe
Die Patientin störten ihr unharmonisches Lächeln bei ungleichen Längenverhältnissen und schiefen Zahnachsen, sowie ihre Zahnfarbe
Es erfolgte eine Aligner-Therapie mit herausnehmbaren, transparenten Invisalign-Schienen. Dabei wurden die Zahnbögen verbreitert und der Engstand aufgelöst, die Zahnlängen und Zahnachsen korrigiert. Abschließend erfolgte ein In-Office Bleaching um das ästhetische Lächeln zu perfektionieren
Invisalign in combination with bleaching and minimally invasive composite cores
The patient was particularly worried about the divergent overlapping anterior and canine teeth. More so, the disharmonious course of the cutting edges of the two central incisors, as well as their tooth color.
With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw were shaped and harmonized in just 6 months.
To restore the aesthetics of the smile, the patient then underwent in-office bleaching in our practice and a minimally invasive composite build-up of the maxillary anterior teeth to restore the anterior canine guidance.
This enabled the patient to achieve their desired esthetic change.
Invisalign Munich Costs
Invisalign Costs
The treatment costs depend on the effort involved and the duration of the treatment. On average, they are between €3,500 and €5,000. We would be happy to provide you with an individual cost estimate based on your personal situation.
Discover More Treatment Options
We would love to make you smile again
Our goal:
Your dental health in combination with aesthetics and function
Get an idea of the current treatment results from our practice
Discover More Treatment Options
We would love to make you smile again
Our goal:
Your dental health in combination with aesthetics and function
Get an idea of the current treatment results from our practice